Sunday, April 17, 2011

Record Electronic Voice Phenomenon EVP DIY

It's fun to let the Internet take me and my curiosity off to foreign places featuring exotic people, and I found another one.
Kevin Franz, renowned ghost tour giver in Naperville Illinois, has a unique device to record Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) in almost real time.
The device consists of two cassette recorders placed side by side, and a custom cassette tape made from three cassettes taped into one long one that fits into both recorders with one cassette in the middle for the delay. One recorder records, and the tape goes over to the other recorder to be played back.
You can't just listen to what's being recorded, but what was recorded claims. Mr. Franz. That is the key to almost real time listening of potential EVP recordings. No more wading through hours of recordings later. You get almost real time listening of what was recorded (and not what was being recorded) five seconds after it was recorded so you have a chance to encourage the EVP while it's still there. Maybe ask it's name.
It's a difficult concept for me to grasp, so here's his video.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tom's Lazy Bee

Tom brought his Lazy Bee to the meeting the other night.
Good flight mostly.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

If I Dug a Deep Hole, Where Would I End Up?

If I dug a hole in Janesville WI all the way through the Earth, where would I end up?
BTW: the map shows me starting in the Janesville Sports Complex where digging and pets are prohibited.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Parkzone Micro P-51D Flying in Neighborhood Park

I finally found some video I took last Summer flying the Micro P-51 in the little park by my house. It's not super HD quality, or anything, but it does give you an idea how the plane flies. Now that I have a HD type camera, this summer should be filled with ultra uber videos of me doing mundane flying.

More commercials please!

More commercials? Am I nuts? No, I'm not nuts, but unfortunately many people are dangerously misguided. I just saw a commercial from Penn & Teller about vaccination which was uploaded on YouTube August 2010. Why can't we have more commercials like this? I can't think of a more in-your-face way of telling people to get their kids vaccinated. I love these guys, really!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Parkzone Micro P-51D

Below is a short video showing up close the Parkzone Micro P-51D model airplane.
It is cool.
It is easy to fly.
It is hard to break.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Isn't ANYBODY's job safe anymore?

"Hatsune Miku is one of the ready made Vocal of a software program called "Vocaloid 2" it's a program that originally created by YAMAHA Corp. The program allows you to create vocal song just by typing the lyrics and setting the melody,"

Friday, April 1, 2011

Turkey Vultures in Wisconsin

Yesterday me and a friend of mine were driving and saw some turkey vultures roosting for the night. It was getting dark, and I just managed to get a short video clip.

I've been viewed by the Deity

I was messing around my YouTube channel, and came across the statistics section. I noticed a couple days ago a user named "mrdeity" viewed some videos. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that.
What? Me? Viewed by the almightest? What an honor! Or maybe it was Lucy, his beloved wife? Who cares? I'm excited!

Here's a link to his YouTube Channel
And this is his main website where he keeps his holy swag

Gmail Motion Announced!

Google has just announced Gmail Motion, a gestural email system where you direct actions using body language rather than typing on the keyboard, or using the mouse. Watch Gmail in Motion now, and begin to witness the future!